Buy Paintings in Burbage

Have you seen the paintings for sale, by Burbage Artist Sophie, in the window of her Art Studio in Burbage?

Buy Swirly Soph’s paintings at a discounted price directly from Sophie at her art studio in Grove road, near to Love Lane in Burbage, Leicestershire. The discounted price is displayed in the window.

Window display paintings.

The full price remains on for online purchases, but if you buy it directly from Soph’s art studio instead, then she will give you a discount. The paintings in the window display are already at that discounted price and they may also include the picture frame. Its frame may be a recycled picture frame or a brand new one. The reason for the discount is because Sophie will not be posting the painting, it also saves time advertising online, and the cost of listing fees.

If you see Soph sat at her desk


If you see Soph sat at her desk, simply knock at the door and buy a Swirly Soph painting there and then at a discounted price.

Or book a visit to purchase

Contact Soph via phone or text and arrange a time slot to visit her art studio to purchase and collect, Tel: 07932 606867


Payment: cash, bank cards, Apple Pay, etc are accepted at Soph’s Art studio.

Don’t Forget to watch your local artist on the TV in 2024!

Read more about it on Soph’s full artist’s website on the “wildcard” page.

Hurry! Only one person can buy each painting because these are ‘one of its kind’ hand painted original artworks. Only one of them in the world and it could be yours. Each painting includes a certificate of authenticity.

Pet Commissions:

PET COMMISSIONS: Find the commission price / details / examples on Soph’s main artists website which is

Follow Burbage Artist Sophie on social media:
